Prostitution Charges
Lynnwood PROSTITUTION Lawyers
Prostitution or solicitation charges are frequent occurrences and mistakes are often made by law enforcement officials who mistake a casual exchange or other behavior between two people for a prostitution offense.
The legal definitions of prostitution and solicitation are very broad, and they can allow a wide variety of activities to be interpreted within their bounds. Actions as simple as stopping your car to talk to someone or even circling an area looking for a parking space may prompt an arrest by the local police for solicitation.
Our lawyers have worked with many clients who are charged with prostitution because of a simple misunderstanding, but once charges have been filed it will be important to make sure you are not convicted for this sex crime.
Regardless of whether or not the charges are valid, a conviction could mean time in jail and extensive fines so it is important not to take this matter lightly even if you are innocent. A Lynnwood sex crimes defense lawyer will work on your behalf to communicate with judges and prosecutors and will gather pertinent evidence to show that you are not guilty of this offense.
Prostitution is the act of offering one’s self for hire to engage in sexual relations. Defendant’s can be charged with prostitution for soliciting prostitution, agreeing to engage in prostitution, and for actually engaging in the act of prostitution. In order for an individual to be convicted of prostitution, the prosecution will have to prove that an agreement was made between two people to engage in the act of prostitution.
Penalties for Prostitution
In the state of Washington, prostitution is usually charged as a misdemeanor offense. This is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine up to $1,000. Penalties can increase for subsequent offenses.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your prostitution charges, your Lynnwood attorney will work hard to clear your name by contesting any information that is not legally sound.
Lynnwood Prostitution Defense Attorneys
Individuals convicted of prostitution may be sentenced to jail time, fines, probation, and sex offender registration. Not only do you face legal consequences from a prostitution conviction, but your reputation and personal relationships may suffer as well. To give yourself the best chance of overcoming prostitution charges, you should consult with an attorney at our firm to find out what can be done for your situation.
Contact a Lynnwood Sex Crimes Defense Attorney today! We serve clients in Lynnwood, Everett, and Kirkland, WA.
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“Thank you for your help during my legal crisis. Your particular brand of counsel was a comfort and a blessing to me. Keep being real.”
- A.M. -
“Just want to say thanks! You have been so kind and obliging to answer my questions, some probably stupid but nonetheless you were there for me (above and beyond the so-called "call of duty"). I do want you to know how much I appreciate it all. Yo”
- J.B. -
“When I hired Lance to represent me I knew I hired the best. He is not only an outstanding lawyer but an outstanding person as well.”
- J.D.
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